Some facilities include fences, roofs and toilets is a form of local government concern. There are always shortages, particularly road infrastructure. Therefore difficult to be a destination attraction on a mass scale. Only motorcycles that became the mainstay of transportation equipment to the location in the hamlet Pait Inscribed Stones, Dusun Sebabas, District Nanga Mahap which is about 65 kilometers from the capital district. Visitors also had difficulty sitting relaxing while enjoying the sacred stone inscribed.
"A lot of that must be addressed," he explained, Tuesday (06/03/2012).
Likewise, Section Head of Culture Sekadau AB Sekadau Muin said the government helped to fund the interpreter maintain Inscribed Stone, F Apong. But the form of small nominal appreciation of the performance of interpreters maintained. Confirmed, Apong denied having received honoraria from government Sekadau. During this time, an honorarium of 650 thousand per month is the assistance of the central government.
"Although a small fee but I still feel the responsibility of maintaining a stone inscribed," he said.
Inscribed stone is often the center of research students and scientists. Government openly invited as co-promote aids. It's just so far, the results almost never reported to the department. Similarly to the local community such as the fate that also Timanggong Dayak Apong Mahap. He often becomes a guide, resource persons, as well as accommodate the researchers Inscribed Stone at his home. Habits of researchers, come and ask but never share the results of her study.
"Until now I do not know the meaning of characters in a stone inscribed," he stated.
Apong ensure that local communities maintain Stone Inscribed of serious annoyance malicious parties. Inscribed Stone nevertheless has become part of the population living Hamlet Pait hereditary. Residents also acknowledged many have benefited from the presence of Inscribed Stone. In addition, researchers also often accept the presence of some local tourism. Travelers have a variety of purposes ranging from seeking fortune and healing.
"A lot of work," he said.
Apong proudly calls from about 87 households in the hamlet Pait counted to meet minimum educational standards. In fact, the primary school in the hamlet Pait is the pilot of the missionaries who established schools along with the people who stand in the capital district. Impact, the majority have advanced reading and writing since the days of grandfather Apong.
"Now, all the teachers in elementary Pait is a local resident," he said.
So said Apong, Inscribed Stone also have an impact on reading literacy Pait Dusun community. Until now, he believes that the Inscribed Stone is a clue in the protected forest area was once a cultural center.
It's just that until now no other site that supports the existence of Inscribed Stones and cultural center. Ironically, the construction of a Junior High School failed because the status of protected forest. Simultaneously, residents eager to taste higher education with the support of teachers the following school buildings close to the village.
"Expectations, Hamlet Pait has always evolved with the people who are able to follow the progress of technology," he said.
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